
Acute PT Perspectives

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Not Another Mindless Physical Therapy Blog...

From the annals of Physical Therapy practice, I bid you all a warm welcome. To establish my bonafides: I am a physical therapist. And have been one for some time now. I have thoughts... as I am sure you all do as well. Some of these thoughts challenge paradigms. And attract more criticism than I have the time to refute. Yet, in my humble opinion, there is substance to these issues I raise. At least I think so. I just need my own little corner to think out aloud.

In this blog, I intend to counter the notion that doctors control our practice. We are in the quest of APTA's Vision 2020. To paraphrase from Spiderman, "with tremendous powers come tremendous responsibilities". As we strive social recognition & parallel parity with the allopathic domain, we must step up to the plate of meeting public needs and safety. Being business savvy is only part of the equation - to which a lot of web resources are already devoted. The other issue is to be clinically savvy to handle the medically complex patient.

And therefore, I present to you this blog. It is pertinent to the practice of physical therapy and its evolution, education, fallacies, limitations, politics, etc., as I see it from my own vantage of the medically complex. I do not like reinventing the wheel. And there are myriads of blogs out there with PT practice and advice. My goal is to not rehash. So expect thoughts and ideas that you will not find elsewhere ...I hope!! If you come by to this space, please feel free to browse around. And I will appreciate your input, good or bad.

Until next time,

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